Anonymous ID: 415573 July 28, 2022, 4:41 a.m. No.16903216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6001

"It's a court of law, not justice."

- Oliver Wendel Homeboy


We could fill ten buildings with lawyers and they would no more produce justice than a bulldog will produce honey. What's more no reasonable person would expect them to. So why a Department of Justice? Because lawyers create litigation, and legal process, and raise with solemn oaths and ceremonies a celebration of themselves and the triumph men's law over living Spirit, a manifestation of the luciferian deep state.


Partial list of DOJ employees.


lawyers with grease spotted ties, lawyers with strabismus, lawyers with TMJ, mumbling lawyers, dog faced lawyers, lawyers with leg braces, one eyed lawyers, rotten-tooth breathed lawyers, tattooed lawyers, limping lawyers, angry lawyers with knotted pulsing jaw muscles, blinking lawyers, aphasic lawyers, lawyers on three or more anti depressants, lawyers with huge watches, drug dealing lawyers, homo lawyers, garlic stinking lawyers, cutter lawyers, twitching lawyers, lawyers with obsessive disorders, suicidal lawyers, lawyers with taped glasses, snaky lawyer, sneaky creepy sociopath lawyers, lawyers with warts on their lips, lawyers with failed hair transplants, jelqing lawyers who tie weights to their penises, farting lawyers, herniated lawyers, bigamist lawyers, lawyers with speech impediments, pedophile lawyers, lawyers who sleep in their cars, lawyers with alopecia, 13 cat lawyers, leather pants wearing dyke lawyers, earnest lawyers, well intended lawyers, narcoleptic lawyers, lawyers who hate lawyers, tire sealant sniffing lawyers, black eyed lawyers, fish eyed lawyers, after shave drinking lawyers, squeaking nervous lawyers, lawyers with ambiguous genitalia, coughing lawyers, sneezing lawyers, lawyers who eat scabs, lawyers with psoriasis, whiny lawyers, perjurer lawyers, lawyers who spit when they talk, tourettes lawyer, lawyers with bushy nose hair, name dropping lawyers, gossiping lawyers, dead lawyers just left sitting in their office, unvaccinated lawyers, jabbering coked up lawyers, sea lawyers, car pooling lawyers, lawyers who grunt when they write, dyslexic lawyers, cannibal lawyers, wise cracking lawyers, clay eating lawyers, soft spoken, modest lawyers, bitter lawyers, onanistic lawyers, cowardly, backstabbing lawyers, clown lawyers, lawyers with bell's palsy, schizophrenic lawyers, dement lawyers, pedophile protecting mason lawyers, obese lawyers, anorexic lawyers, leperous lawyers, weasel-looking lawyers, card cheat lawyers, coprophage lawyers, doodling lawyers, lawyers with prosthetic noses, and no-business-being-born, insecure, junkyard lawyers.


If we were awake, "Department of Justice" set up and run as a permanent institution by the legal profession would be adequate warning.

Anonymous ID: 415573 July 28, 2022, 4:42 a.m. No.16903438   🗄️.is 🔗kun




You are aware that he is not the only supreme court justice, right?


What is with this hero worship of him anyway?


Roe v. Wade gets overturned, and the kikes get yall stupid goyim to worship a race-mixing nigger somehow

Anonymous ID: 415573 July 28, 2022, 4:48 a.m. No.16904648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6932 >>8174

Can someone consolidate all of DJT posts today. I know you guys are busy hashing out real/fake Q but I think it is more important to read into PDJT comms and Dan's.


I think the truth is, whoever runs a board should be able to post just about anything because it is all text and easily overwritten. So for example a post could have a wrong trip code but other code could be run to overwrite that label in the html with the correct text and corresponding css. So to me, the only sacred thing is what is said and deciphered.

Anonymous ID: 415573 July 28, 2022, 4:49 a.m. No.16904813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7528

Ḥeḥ (also Huh, Hah, Hauh, Huah, and Hehu) was the personification of infinity or eternity in the Ogdoad in ancient Egyptian religion. His name originally meant "flood", referring to the watery chaos that the Egyptians believed existed before the creation of the world. The Egyptians envisioned this chaos as infinite, in contrast with the finite created world, so Heh personified this aspect of the primordial waters.

The frog head symbolised fertility, creation, and regeneration, and was also possessed by the other Ogdoad males Kek, Amun, and Nun.