I took a picture of a Zebra painted Donkey in Tijuana and the dude tried to make me pay for that picture. I was on the other side of the street snapping pics and he runs over to me. I laughed in his face.
yes, looking forward to july 4th
have relatives coming down fr pa, ones that i have been red pilling for a long time
they are now in the camp that the media is a brainwashing operation run by the cabal /deep state
your comment about the jew haters is poignant, they seem to try to flood the board to make it look like an overwhelming consensus
i believe they must be fed glow niggers
Peter Navarro was charged with contempt of Congress by a monopartisan Committee. He got shackles.
Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress by a bipartisan vote of 255-67. He went out to dinner that night.
And DC wonders why people believe in the Swamp.
Did Q make his last post before it was revealed that the SS did not witness Trump grab the wheel? Seems the post was really early in the AM before that news broke.