Evenin’ Nightshift
Really what difference does it make if Jovan thinks someone or a team, or AI exists or not.we are not a cult, we are researchers
>whore of babylon
Oh and 2 broke vehicles… '06 150 with bad motor I'm still paying on. Wife's 02 Pt about dead and had to take a $18k loan for a car to get her and her son to dr. appts… another $400+ a month I can barely pay… there went the food beget… VA check helps now that I don't have to pay child support to my ex and the son I haven't seen for a couple years till this May for his Graduation (with Honors) Proud of him getting it with autism.
Fucking sucks guys. Don't know what to do.
Tried the Go Fund Me and others. Got $20 bucks and sent them back with thanks. $20 bucks won't help what is going on here.