Anonymous ID: cfb6fc July 28, 2022, 3:36 a.m. No.16896562   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One stone against Goliath.


Faced with the complete impunity enjoyed by the perpetrators of these crimes, and the necessity that Coca Cola were found responsible for these aggressions, Sinaltrainal has launched a criminal case against Coca Cola before the Southern District Court in Miami, USA, under the Aliens Torts Claim Act of 1789. To carry out this legal prosecution, Sinaltrainal have relied on the support and solidarity of United Steel Workers Union and the International Labour Rights Fund in the USA. In March 2003, after careful consideration of the available evidence, a Miami judge ruled that Coca Cola did have a case to answer, and allowed the case to go ahead.


But in Sinaltrainal’s eyes, the court case alone was not enough. The union also started a process of Popular public Tribunals as am expression of the Colombian peoples’ struggle against State terrorism and the policies of the multinationals. The Tribunals hope to generate a mechanisms for protection and attention to the problems that Sinaltrainal face, as well international accompaniment and solidarity. They hope to link popular and social movements in Colombia, with international movements against globalisation and for social justice.


What are the Popular Public Tribunals?


They are a space for organisation, for denouncing, a forum where social organisations who identify with the struggle against the inhuman greed of multinationals like Coca Cola, can meet and discuss. The Tribunals took place in 3 stages, in Brussels, Atlanta and Bogotá in 2002, but the process is ongoing and aims to:


Judge and condemn Coca Cola and the Colombian state for the systematic violation of the Human rights of their workers through murder, imprisonment, forced displacement, threats, sackings, violation of national and international agreements, and the polluting of the environment.

To pressure both Coca Cola and the Colombian state to end their policy of persecution, criminalisation of social protest, and extermination of the workers and trade unions, and to implement the necessary laws in respect to human rights and the environment.

To plan direct action against Coca Cola in solidarity with Sinaltrainal.

The Tribunals aim to strengthen the fight against impunity and the construction of the international movement against globalisation.

Finally, the Tribunals hope to coordinate solidarity and action against Coca Cola in all possible countries. All individuals and organisations interested in the campaign against Coca Cola in solidarity with Sinaltrainal and all Colombian workers can contact :



In UK: Colombia Solidarity Campaign;


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