Anonymous ID: 2a07a5 July 28, 2022, 3:57 a.m. No.16898237   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What happened to Vatican Research previously?


Openly 1488 Nazi operative OSS was allowed to Bake then promoted to BV by BO.

OSS went on to Ban this anon perhaps over 1000 times in only a few months. kek

OSS deleted the entire Vatican research thread after repeatedly filling the thread with the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

While all this was HABBENING….. OSS turned on his own MNR or Midnight Riders when we learned that there has been a 1488 presence in the Kitchen since perhaps day 1.

They love P = PAYSEUR!

They fucking hate P = POPE and their bakers ignore most digs into the Pope or Vatican unless it meets the VIGANO IS ]OUR GUY[ or "BLAME IT ALL ON FRANCIS" criteria.


What does the 1488 Nazi's want everyone to believe?

Right and so any digs into the Vatican would reveal the collaboration between the Nazi's Vatican > CIA etc etc et al.

Hitler fucking loved the Jesuits.

Mein Kampf was edited and written by a Jesuit.


and on and on the COINCIDENCES go.


Hell of Ride!

In the front of the world, recorded in realtime and backed up offline by the NSA! one brave anon, with the help of Q, whoOped all [their] asses!





Anon means "KEK"


As (you) were.

