masonsserve one particular jewish crime family and i suspect the roths. only a top ranking mason can say that for sure and they won't without protection b/c other masons will murder them. Q team could take advantage of that and RICO the entire mason structure.
all of those secret societies are basically a set of glowniggers for one of the old rich families.
illuminati works for another one.
jesuit another.
there is a chink one and a chink family who works with the others, the names escape me.
masons have an internal death penalty for telling secrets and other punsihments. a anon from years ago on old 8 gave intell form a black lodge of the masons. he said those are the ones who traffick drugs and children. blue lodges are for normies who wont do evil things and PR. They unknowingly run comms for the evil ones. every lodge has a coms officer.
anyway black lodge mason anon said they were gangstalking him, and they raped him as punishment, and they were probably going to kill him. other masons were in the thread threatening him.