Anonymous ID: 3c47ae June 13, 2018, 7:43 p.m. No.1738639   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>1. They will use whatever technology they savaged from the nazis from project paperclip to make this falseflag look like something very, very scary (I don't know exactly what they will do, but I imagine something on the lines of what John Podesta is pushing on his twitter)


I read the IWRNDU posts and although it's a similar theme I don't think this guy has much of a clue as to what this threat he's warning people about actually is, certainly not to the depth that ETS and his Moloch/Lucifer worshipping did.


But this theme of an Alien attack (that isn't quite what it seems) seems to be a recurring one. In fact, the first I heard of this was from the account of Dr. Carol Rosin, a space and Missile Defense Consultant for Fairchild Industries, when she reported the repeated warnings of Werner Von Braum (Project Paperclip, again) telling her "We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie". Although that's not quite what IWRNDU is saying, the fake alien attack is the same.


It's curious how this theme of aliens/demons or something similar keeps repeating. Although some are most likely larps, I get the impression that a lot of these people ACTUALLY believe what they are warning people about, almost as if insanity has become contageous or mind control is more mainstream than I had thought. And if they are LARPs, I wonder if they're purposely trying to feed a theme into the general populace in preparation for something already in the works. Hmmm strange…


<Off topic, but kinda related>


I had a dream many years ago were I was in a Cafe, in the late evening (i.e. dark), with a young lady I'd never met before and was talking to her, as you do, but then everyone turned and looked into the sky and it was filled with enormous, beautiful flying creatures - if you could imaging the Hindenberg flying 200 feet above they were that big and brightly colored. But the thing is I was watching them as I would watch a Firework display, and in the dream I KNEW these were holograms, despite how real they looked. They filled the sky, flying around, and everyone was in awe. Some had long flowing tentacles like an Octopus, others were more blob-like, but all were holograms. On the left of my view, one of them was like a tall giant the size of the statue of liberty standing on the Earth and it had broken down. I could see as they tried to repair it that although it was a hologram it DID have some mechanical aspect inside of it. It was a very vivid dream and a wonder to behold……aaaaand then I woke up.


Last week, having well and truly forgotten about this dream, I had the exact same dream again. Although I'm not religious, I do believe there is a world hidden to me and that a God, a spirit, or whatever, has an input into this world (based off my own experiences). Having had this very distinctive dream twice now I can't help but wonder if, should something like a alien invasion take place, that I should pay attention to what this dream seems to be telling me, which is: it's not real!


Yeah, I know, nurse!

