mrviolin ID: f4585d Q people June 17, 2018, 7:12 a.m. No.1783880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4278 >>4431

I am less familiar with BC17 and I have not been convinced that these twitter posters are out to do harm. Listen, it's information, nothing more. If it turns out to be dis info, we will know. Harm to movement? There is NO RISK because Q has an open line of comms to discredit any fakers. If someone is giving false info, he can call them out so easily. So far, he has said some things that MAY BE saying they are fake…but, if it's so dangerous…one precise Q drop will blow them up. Eyethespy seems to have said some faulty things, then again, he told us the developer of "the plan" was William Webster. (see wikipedia) So, some LARP is just going to throw that out there? And some other proofs too. What you have here in the Q world are Q snobs. They protect Q because THEY don't want others to give info, only THEIR Q is allowed to be the oracle. Like I said, Q can clear this up, and till then, Q knows there is no harm in these others, and they may be benefitting Q. Eyethespy is pro Q proTrump, pro America. Why wouldn't Q want someone like that on Twitter? Was he wrong about 6/11? Yes…consider that he is there to mislead deep state assassinators…they thought 6/11 at the hotel…but it was a false trail…..could be disinfo to throw off deep state. He's not on Q Team so its not "outside comms." Some of his posts are on reddit including this doc that gives the name of the guy in photo with Obama : .https://''