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I think that the higher up politicians are closer to 100%, and the lower ones, lower than 90%.
The banned smokes. The side effects of Big Pharma's poisons are literally death. They could easily be banned from advertising, if the gov't wasn't corrupt and owned by them.
Happened on 11.11.18. I was just thinking about this a couple of days ago. It still confuses me.
if anything, they'll just twist the legalese to still keep it in place for "extreme circumstances" like they already do to still keep it legal in one way or another
watch the claims of incest, rape, and "mothers in absolute peril to keep the child" skyrocket in the near future
VERY common
Groomers don't want these people to be heard
These poor souls must speak out anonymously to avoid being attacked.
They can help others re-evaluate desire for Trans lifestyle
Well then POTUS needs to get his ass back in office to stop all this shit that is happening! Quit bitching and fucking DO something!!