Not to sound eager, but shouldn’t intent be proven rather than assumed. I don’t want to be trading one set of chains for fancier chains.
So you see the power grab and you have no concerns?
We already see what BUSINESSES can do with too much power and the goal is to give businesses even more?
We need to focus on individual rights and find better solutions to these problems.
If you want to be successful, you can not pull power out of one area without having a plan of where to put it next or what to do with it. I simply can not believe that Trump would not have thought of this because he is clearly a brilliant man acting fool.
The AMERICAN people demand transparency. It’s the only way to ensure societal order.
related check out OpenCheckbook, they have a transparent check book software for small towns and cities letting anyone see exactly where the $$ goes and how much.
Why can’t this be scaled up for all of Government? They work for US, so why can’t we know what goes on?
With as much information that has yet to be disclosed, how can anyone, in good faith, believe that things will start getting better? (infinite game kinda better)
If what is happening now is a change of power, than it’s to be expected that things get slightly better for a shapely time before people exploit the system.
The very notion of having a law means that a loop hole MUST be there. There will always be a loophole, even if you can’t see it, someone else will. You can’t change this, only accommodate for it. So how are we accommodating?