From what I gather…Strzok is not actually FBI. He's a contractor who was working for FBI (under Priestap and ultimately McCabe) during this timeframe. He actually is just a part of the a Deep State Cabal who has a specialty. His specialty appears to be forgery/"fixing". He is a contractor that is used throughout the agencies and is called in by the Deep State (like Harvey Keitel in Reservoir Dogs) to help provide clean up for their corrupt activities. He is an expert in language and documentation necessary to skirt around the law and making documents to support the fix.
NOTE - I don't have evidence to support this yet, because I am not an insider. I'm still playing the wait and see game on him, but the fact that his name (Strzok) has been placed out in the light of the MSM; I believe is that he has ties to many shady corrupt actions that occured during the BHO administration and will come out in the light of day over the next year or more. Most of this info. has already been put out by one source, which I will re-frame from siting until it is proven or sited by other semi-reliable sources.
Documents he supposedly made or influenced: 1. Comey speech - Wording
Comey - POTUS notes that Comey admitted to leaking.
Memo - Turkey
Memo - McCabe FISA warrent support
BHO - Birth Certificate (Yep, that's the word - we'll see)
Again, all hearsay until released or proven, but worth putting out there for a wait and see…