JIDF spotted
Its JIDF division tactic. dont worry about it
no no no no no
you've just destroyed your anon-hood by using body parts to distinguish yourself. That's a liberal thing and part of identity politics. Its a hard habit to break, but never use your body parts as a means of validating your ideas. let your ideas, opinions, thoughts rest on their own merit, unsupported by your tits (pun intended)
let's see your OC
guess who you can't flimflam?
JIDF fail, you don't get a paycheck today
I see CTR has new hires
everything I know of life I learned from Star Trek
memes are language. Everyone adds their own voice. this is not the board to famefag or hold onto your content and keep others from interpreting it..Youtube exists for that.
Can you do something with the OTHER half of the same reflection..the part that looks like a little girl that is now whited out in your shoop
you are not ready for free speech.
The newfag page that you need to read, that warns you that you might not be ready for FREE SPEECH is posted at the TOP of the q research board.
go read. then come back with your head hanging in shame
you posted an image. It is not a meme till people accept it and spread it, and add their shit to it. pics related. ONe guy made an image. The REST Made it a meme
here's another example. it only becomes a meme when OTHERS can take it and 'run with it'.