Don't mean to distract but can anyone tell what is flying around inside my house?
The last couple weeks I keep catching something in my peripheral vision.
It's not a moth or a fly or a hotdog or a dick or a fuckin weather balloon!
The other night I was trying to capture something interesting by pausing the TV at different intervals.
At the end of a movie this eagle symbol bursts into numbers and letters. I forget which movie. I was taking pics to see which patterns I would get.
Anyway one picture captured what appears to be a mini UFO. It is translucent as you can faintly see the little T & K thru it. The same T & K as the picture before and the picture after. One of the before and after pics was also with the flash on and one is with no flash.
P.S. I haven't noticed anymore peripheral vision anomalies since that night.
Maybe it's just a camera thing but I thought I'd ask if anyone might have experienced similar.