have to throw a few other 'things' on the table.
ja? DJT was "threatened"? by rinos?
HRC didn't get locked up? (still waiting?)
barr - nothing to see here re elections
barr was bushes AG
barr covered up war crimes for bush
so barr has hard-on for ja
and the list goes on.
who is DJT working for? really?
is he an "actor" like the rest?
playing the "other side" so we think there is "choice"?
All I know is I'm in the 96%.
The 4% (usa) are f'cked when fuel hits $10 like here.
brandon is a gonna
he can't win in 2024, so they will take him out early, put in KamelToe (who is not liked, ) has no charisma but can prob get 90m votes if dominion back her.
its a big jigsaw puzzle!
But do enough of the puzzle & one starts to see the big picture.
40,000' gets interesting to consider