Pretty sure a picture of Pappy and McStain getting the lethal injection.
Did Q make his last post before it was revealed that the SS did not witness Trump grab the wheel? Seems the post was really early in the AM before that news broke.
100% Safe
100% Effective
you will be protected with your COVID PASS
Ok. Just how is that accomplished?
Jerry Nadler says he supports banning 18-year-olds form buying guns because their brains aren't fully formed but opposes raising the draft age to 21 because "if the country needs people [to fight wars], it needs people."
Seriously anon, how can we be aborted? We alive and walking the earth as free men. And yes, we are in the middle of the birth throes. Hint: The end of an era, the beginning of a new era.
and his dumpster wants barbed wire border homo
This is what the democrats, RINO's, anti-American judges, etc. are deathly afraid of. And THEY KNOW IT'S COMING. They can't stop it.