Anonymous ID: 22331b July 28, 2022, 9:08 a.m. No.16916170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6586 >>6597 >>8854


Gazprom to cut Nord Stream gas deliveries by third


Gazprom said on Wednesday that it had stopped the operation of another Siemens gas turbine at the Portovaya compressor station, adding that it will be able to deliver no more than 67 million cubic meters of gas per day via the Nord Stream pipeline starting from Thursday. Deliveries of gas through Nord Stream will be cut by almost a third following Gazprom's decision.


"The daily output of the Portovaya compressor station from 01:30 Moscow time on June 16 [22:30 June 15 GMT] will be up to 67 million cubic meters per day." Gazprom wrote in its Telegram channel, adding that it "shuts down another Siemens gas turbine engine."


Following Gazprom’s announcement, the European gas futures prices increased by 10% to over $1150 per 1,000 cubic meters.


Furthermore, according to new research, Russia earned $98 billion from fossil fuel exports during the first 100 days of its war in Ukraine, with the European Union being the top importer.


The report, released on Monday by the independent Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) in Finland, came as Russian forces continued to make slow but steady progress in their campaign to fully capture eastern Ukraine's Donbass region.


The US and the EU have sent weapons and cash to assist Ukraine in repelling the Russian advance, as well as punishing Moscow with unprecedented economic sanctions.


However, Kiev has called on Western countries to suspend all trade with Moscow in order to cut off its financial lifeline in the aftermath of the February 24 special operation. Prior to the war, Russia supplied 40% of the EU's gas and 27% of its imported oil.


Earlier this month, the European Union agreed to put an end to all Russian oil imports, keeping in mind that Europe is heavily dependent on Russian energy.


According to the report, the EU took 61% of total Russian fossil fuel exports, which amounts to $60 billion. The top importers were China, at 12.6 billion euros, Germany, at 12.1 billion euros, and Italy at 7.8 billion euros.


The revenues come mostly from crude oil sales, which amount to 46 billion euros. Next are pipeline gas, oil products, and liquefied natural gas and coal.

Anonymous ID: 22331b July 28, 2022, 9:12 a.m. No.16916294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9784 >>0922

You know how on Forensic Files when a kidnapper fakes a note and the family sense quickly it's not legit because it doesnt "feel" like the kidnapped family member? That's how these last Q posts feel: Not genuine Q

Anonymous ID: 22331b July 28, 2022, 9:13 a.m. No.16916329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6668 >>9286

Biden’s White House Radicalized the Would-Be Kavanaugh Killer as Pelosi Held Up Supreme Court Security Funds.


The attacks on the Supreme Court by the extreme left picks up pace.


Joe Biden’s White House intentionally fanned the flames of the violent, irate political left after the recent Democrat leak of a Supreme Court opinion, as well as the latest Uvalde school shooting. The result has been an attempt on the life of a Supreme Court Justice.


In amongst the political fracas, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is said to be holding up a Senate bill which would grant more security for Supreme Court justices. The U.S. Senate fast tracked the new security plans after Democrat extremists leaked an expected Roe v. Wade opinion from the court in May, but Pelosi has thus far refused to bring the legislation up for a vote in the House, stalling more security for Supreme Court justices.


Would-be assassin Nicholas John Roske is believed to have been radicalized by far-left reactions to the abortion issue, as well as the shooting in Uvalde. The aspiring gunman is said to have had a Glock 17 handgun, a knife, pepper spray, zip ties, a nail punch, a crow bar and a hammer, and said he found Kavanaugh’s address on the internet.


And while President Biden himself has failed to condemn the attempted attack, a White House spokesman tepidly said that “any violence, threats of violence, or attempts to intimidate justices have no place in our society.”


But the left’s rhetoric on the run up to the latest incident is indicative of the political climate they seek to create around their “core” issues of abortion and gun control in the run up to the mid term elections.


GOP operatives point out a timeline of events that show no remorse or attempt to cool the heated rhetoric around the time Roske was being radicalized by their behavior:


May 5: Press Secretary Jen Psaki refused to condemn activists posting the justices’ home addresses online.

May 6: Psaki refused to say if Biden “has a view” on activists harassing justices at their homes.

May 6: Nancy Pelosi called on protesters to actively pressure justices to influence their decisions.

May 8: Pelosi said “the focus” is to influence and change the Supreme Court’s forthcoming decision on Roe v. Wade.

May 9: Psaki refused to condemn protests at justices’ homes even though it is against the law.


Psaki also refused to condemn the doxing of justices’ personal information even as threats of violence grew.