Anonymous ID: 5a8495 July 28, 2022, 9:51 a.m. No.16917294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9134 >>9575 >>9821 >>9941


I’m sure anons have discussed this theory before but heres a take.


If Trump had not been cheated out of his second term, would Durham have been able to continue with the Russiagate investigation unimpeded by the press and 1000,s of attorneys? No, What would have happened is what happened in the past administration, the case was so sprawling and complex WW, it took all of that time to collect. But under the Bidan Admin they dont dare stop him, because that would only prove how corrupt bidan et al are. They in effect are not stopping him to keep the facade going that Bidan did nothing wrong.


But have we ever considered that Covid had multiple goals and effects too? Such as many investigations and grand juries were postponed or hampered because no in court charges, trials etc could have occurred. As a matter of fact Durham said as much. They intentionally delayed Durham’s progress with Covid.


If Trump was in for a second term we all know what would have happened, as we lived through it for five years. The media and moral outrage of the left would have been a million times worse, “Trump’s using Durham to go after his political opponents”, “Durham is getting Trump’s revenge” “By Trump forcing Durham to contine punishing innocent people, proves he cheated to win a second term”, and every other kind of obfuscation possible. Not to mention violent protests and uprisings all over America.


The attacks would have intensified and when all came to pass and the criminals were brought to justice, the election fraud would never be acknowledged historically because of the lies that they told and will tell into the future. There would always be a footnote, contending Trump still cheated.


A couple of things that dont make sense about Barr:

  1. Barr shouted far and wide, did TV interviews with every major station, quoted in articles, wrote warnings, did speeches and lectures stating clearly there will be massive cheating if mail in/drop box voting occured (he stated this since Jan or Feb of 2020 when it was first planned). He even set up special divisions to track the eldctions.

  2. Why would he tell all state AGs not to investigate election theft, when for 11 months he warned about it, and he knew and was thoroughly convinced there would be theft?

3. After Barr spent months telling the world they are gonna cheat,why would he then come out later and say there was no election theft?

  1. Barr in his last letter to President Trump before Christmas stated specifically he appointed Durham as SC, seemingly to make it impossible to interfere with Durham complete this travesty. A very bold move on Barr’s part.

  2. And NO regardless what POTUS stated a couple of months ago “When Bill Barr resigned”, but Barr never stated he resigned before and no where in the letter did Barr say he was resigning, he said “he was going to spend the holidays with his family”

  3. Why would Barr write a book with criticism of Trump knowing it would make him a pariah to all patriotic Americans? Was it to convince the forces of the cabal to believe he turned on Trump, and is not a threat?


We should check to see if the SS is still assigned proteting Barr like they are Pompeo?


So to conclude, was all of this done as an elaborate hoax to make sure Justice was done on the biggest crime of the century? the Russiahoax needs to be revealed before the election fraud is truly revealed and all parties involved in it, were also involved in stealing the election. Only then can they be stopped permanently.


I’m pretty sure Durham is finding a lot of election theft proof in the millions of pages in the current investigation.


The major Crimes on the coup must be completely revealed, the criminals tried and judged before the final Defense of the President, the country and constitution by overturning the voter fraud of the last election.


Any thoughts anons?

Anonymous ID: 5a8495 July 28, 2022, 9:51 a.m. No.16917306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7506

I think I know why Pelosi was pushing her child away, the child carries the light of God and it was freaking Pelosi’s demons out.

Anonymous ID: 5a8495 July 28, 2022, 9:52 a.m. No.16917332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7511


I don't think anyone ever used straw straws for sucking drinks - too small. Mebbe elder twigs though. Just cut one off and run a stiff wire through it - did it to make corn cob pipes when I was a kid.