>To be one of the 413 still watching
Attention to Orders…
Newly awakened bringing their findings to us.
Nothing wrong with refreshers.
Just let it lie.
Here's question.
If they want to eliminate and eradicate the concept of God, can they do just that with brainwashing us into compliance.
I was under the impression that God exists in the minds and souls of Humans.
If the Human race does turns from God, He still exists, right?
And what is that cult thinking? The more they bring this evil out, the more we CLING to God.
He is in us with every thought, every breath, every action we take.
That's a pretty tall order, even for them.
Or do they have an ace up their sleeve.
5G, chemtrails? all this nano stuff rewiring and becoming transhuman, controllable.
How many were vaccinated again…..
oy vey.
"Ice cream is a religious right for jews" - said the jew kid