to a non mechanic it looks like a car bomb
why would there be a compressed gas cylinder when the engine isnt working?
to a non mechanic it looks like a car bomb
why would there be a compressed gas cylinder when the engine isnt working?
imagine believing monkeypox is real
if these symptoms even exist, you can bet your ass theyre vax side affects
probably all the gays got vaxxed, being lefties
the jewish ones do and there are lots of them
>thinks cancer is real
the economy is completely rigged, they can do a big swing up and then a big swing down and it's like nothing happened but your money going in their pockets
the double captcha is just on first post ony
did you just visit /pol/ for the first time? >>>/hivemind/
dasting that there was no fire. how could there be a detonation if there was no fire?
they're all gonna get the faggot pox
>pretends he doesnt understand
dasting, I have no idea but the cylinder explanation sounds like bullshit
we'll probably forget about it kek
Mullis's point was not that these things give you HIV, he was saying there is no HIV-AIDS
not a single scientist he asked could source a study linking hiv to aids
this was in the forward to duesberg's book that said there is no aids disease