something is habbening in the relations of masons
Deputy Grand Master of the G.O.I.
Appeal to the Grand Master Brother Stefano Bisi
The undersigned Prof. Dr. Claudio Bonvecchio , as a Free Mason and Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy represents and denounces,
in the exclusive and sovereign interest of the Communion , the very dangerous content of the enclosed herewith enclosed circular n02/2022 issued on
July 20, 2022 by the Grand Secretary on behalf of the Council of the GOI, which precludes any Brother from bringing an action before the Ordinary Justice if he perceives the injury of his own associative and subjective right. Preclusion this which risks making the GOI be considered as a foreign and independent apparatus with respect to the Italian State.
The prevalence of the domestic jurisdiction, even "regardless of the judicial outcome achieved" before the judicial authority of the Republic, over the state jurisdiction, places the Grand Orient of Italy in a superordinate position with respect to the Italian institutional context and is therefore not compatible either with the solemn promise, or with the prejudicial loyalty to the Republic, the Constitution and the norms that conform to it, nor finally with the Ancient Duties, namely "The Constitutions of the Free- Masons" of 1723 ( III. Of the Superior and Subordinate Civil Magistrate).
Equally serious also appears to be the surreptitious introduction, through a mere administrative act issued by the Grand Secretary , moreover outside any competence and reserved to him , of a sanctioning rule which by express reservation of law is the exclusive competence of the Grand Lodge as the exclusive legislative body of the Order.
Such a declaration of conflict with the principles of our own Order and State Institutions, besides being seriously detrimental to the rights and interests of the members, cannot be shared in any way, on pain of concurring in such a totally subversive view.
Which is of unprecedented gravity, of a magnitude even greater than even certain deformations of the recent past to which the Institution still suffers the harmful consequences.
In the spirit of mere service, I therefore request that the Grand Master immediately revoke the circular in question and bring the Grand Orient of Italy back within the framework of the Italian constitutional dictate.
Pavia, July 23, 2022
Claudio Bonvecchio
Deputy Grand Master of the GOI