I told you so
6-3, not "5/4"
/hivemind/ Q is confirmed fake and gay. their prediction was false, as i predicted in picrel. the second fake Q does not know anything about Q, does not research, and is a larp, just like the first fake Q.
the real Q would have used the proper vote formatting - which is followed EVERYWHERE, a dash, not a slash, as they have done in the past.
Remember Q1461
Dash v Minus?
the implication being that the Military is very particular about the way they format everything, even a dash.
re: the delta
fake Q had a zero delta with PDJT
4 minutes later, fake Q said that proof was coming and to "watch POTUS" after the delta was already established. fake
fake Q didn't even acknowledge (realize) they had a delta until 46 (!!) minutes later, when they posted the timestamp
they then go on larping and the first fake Q suddenly appears again.
that alone is clear enough to me but to summarize, these are the anomalous things about the second (probably same as the first) fake Q's posts here and on /hivemind/. any of these things on their own might seem insignificant, but the point of what we do here is to compile MULTIPLE data points, to paint the bigger picture. anons who are obsessed with confirming their own biases, on both boards, just refuse to see all of the data points. sad.
>improper vote format (slash instead of dash), which defies convention and precedence (remember 53-47?)
>unprecedented (you) screencap. Q has never posted a (you) before.
>unprecedented filename in the screencap, see last post below
>quoted a sentence of an article without providing the link
>said above article was "worth remembering" despite the fact that it was only published the morning of the "fake" Q post
>no refutation of previous fake posts on q/research/
>no indication of future direction, despite 18 month hiatus
>stringers were copy pasted from previous drops
>LB instead of (pb) like in past posts
another data point is that OSS claimed to be leaving /hivemind/ and posted a goodbye of sorts. that same night they get a personal shout out from "Q" thanking them for their service.. i'm not saying it was OSS - the style of writing is in line with the first fake Q/babyfist/Jim. but ask yourself if that's a coincidence (i have several possibly theories for that)
(all pb, the links where i work through these points, largely to no avail)