UpFrontInTheProphetic interviews Jeffrey Pedersen AKA @IntheMatrixxx
"Join us with Special Guest Jeffrey Pedersen AKA InTheMatrixxx, Wizards, CORN, AMPFest, Symbolism and so much more….."
"We are all trying to get to that 777 consciousness"
"we know 66 is the number of the fallen angels"
"Yhead is a Chinese satellite company"
"I have been Q'ed 15 times"
"Q did confirm my Payseur post by reposting "hey Q does P = Payseur?""
Wow, just wow!
Amazing work gentlemen!
1 20180525 [intheMatrixxx] on Twitter [30977 views] - 1mfVZ6JO1Ik
00:312 20181006 Wrap Up Smear by [Nancy Pelosi] [139723 views] - 6 WejAVUTCE
03:293 20181218 Q - Anons Perspective NAILED IT! [15698 views] - OAw 4q7-NRU
02:554 20181219 The Global Cabal Power Structure [12868 views] - YRHIcGaTZMI
32:475 20181220 Understanding the Q Clock The Time is Now [41891 views] - jyzxXiY8SKs
04:566 20181221 Twelve Q Drops of Christmas! #QArmy [13275 views] - gqKir0zrqQo
01:42:577 20181223 PAYSEUR PART 1 - Presentation on Q Lounge Live 8 19 PART 1 [73324 views] - 7DlXMs3zyGU
01:43:498 20181224 PAYSEUR PART 2 - Presentation on Q Lounge Live 8 26 PART 2 [28396 views] - oh9R0H6X664
01:20:239 20181226 PAYSEUR PART 3 - [P]=Payseur Confirmed. Q Lounge Live 8 28 [25714 views] - 4Nol07Dmo7M
01:31:5010 20190101 PAYSEUR PART 4 - TRUST the Plan 12 14 Q Lounge Live #QArmy [21102 views] - SYC-owQuIeE