Top Kek
Oooh, whatever you do, don't buy any ebil bitcoinz r cryptoz
Keep your savings in good old fashun fedderal reserbeb dolla dolla billz y'all.
Gotta keep that Goldsmith inspired fractional reserve PONZ(r) goin', banksters gott get their shekels, yo!
Sauce or the oven for you
Entire fucking market cap is under 300B
If you think that anywhere near enough for SOROS and ROTHS and their ilk to hide their $, your mother must have sprinkled paint chips on your lucky charms.
Besides which, it's not about HIDING THE MONEY.
Rope soon, kike.
Free speech is offensive speech. Inoffensive speech needs no defense.
If you can't get that, you need to go back.
Why don't you just make your bet, take your chances, STFU, and quit sliding the fucking bread?
Dig moar, meme moar.
Or maybe you can't help yo' self. Nigggas gonna nig!
Fuuuuck if true, this deal is so done, the fork has been pulled out, and it's sliced, plattered and gravied.