It's the media, stupid.
Someone more talented than this anon please sent this meme to Erin Burnett with the words: This is what out front means on top. and: you don't got them on the bottom.
>To fight, and win, a nuclear war.
Don't have to speculate or put dots together on this one anons. The evil fucks wrote their manifesto back in like 2003. They put it in writing, black and white. Couple hundred pages. Believe it still may be on the webs. A Project for a New American Century.
Same thing the evil fucks at Lawfare did too. Wrote their manifesto of how they were going to destroy Donald J. Trump on October 28, 2016 before the election by Benji Wittes. Believe it's still up at, a coalition of all democratic forces, part iii, what if trump wins. One thing that has never changed: Evil always writes a manifesto, it's proud of the evil it does. Then it throws their symbols in our faces.
But now? They done.
>..Austin went on to articulate as official US policy a hope that the Ukraine conflict would produce a weakened Russia incapable of carrying out similar attacks in the future.
Meanwhile, while Austin and Mildred are transforming the US military into antifa weaklings. Yeah, that's going to work. Where do these people come from?
Then why didn't they show all those presidential seals which was '''all over LIV golf tournament.
I'm telling you anons. If you want to improve your game watch the 73 year old Donald Trump's swing. Ask yourself, how does he finish like that?
Got me over a pint of jambalaya which I made a big batch of last week ready to go into the microwave. Got a serving of Kimchi to go with it as well. Tomorrow is going to be cooking day. A trip to the supermarket, hope they got a 3.5 lb. Napa Cabbage, (a 3 pounder will do). And get ingredients for 2 pounds of spaghetti with meat sauce and mushrooms.
However, It's become hard for oldanon to eat a great meal without Kimchi.
HOLY COW. Enemy media has a problem. It's Cassidy Hutchinson. She lied her ass off, made up things in her warped mind and said them to the Jan6 Committee. Right now, Anderson Cooper is trying to cover for Hutch's lies. Note, nobody in the White House called her Cass or Cassidy, she was called Hutch.
Dang. The Enemy thought they had a winner and it boomeranged on them. We WILL NOT be seeing Cassidy Hutchinson on our TV screens again.
Just saying. I love Peroshki's. Don't know how they make them, tried many times using the internet and my cooking skills developed over decades. Can't make them like the women in North Central Siberia (think Irkutsk region but near the Northern tip of Lake Baikal.). And chicken Keiv is Russian. That I can make.
QUESTION! Do we have shadow banning right here on qresearch? I'm sure we do. It's either that or qresearch has become CNN.
Thank you anon. The Peroshki's I ate, for over a month, were fried, not baked. They were like fried Pierogi's but meat filled. They didn't look anything like those in your pic.
Sorry. Didn't read all of your post. It's Pelemi'm I'm talking about, not Peroshki's. You have done a great thing anon. I'm going to attempt to make them this coming week.. o7