I'm picking up what you're putting down
Well put.
I'm sure they're all highway miles.
The game was over in 2019, but it took the winner this long to find out.
It's time we take Satan out of the church. He belong to the streets. That's where he be at too.
The thought of Satan is what's worshiped. Why did those who worship the thought of Satan give me that title?
2012 actually. Have you been here for all of it?
I don't think it was his.
Elon's pull out game is to strong.
Breaking: Elon redirects funds from buying angry birds to plenty of fish instead.
It do be like that.
I guess they have the receipts then.
Thank you.
Something else to consider is why would those in "control" grant me the seat of Satan if I wasn't worth more than that?
The cream always risers to the top. Remember that boy'o
My local cops like to troll here on 4g like I don't notice. If I wasn't the shit in New jeans, they wouldn't do that shit, would they?
Back to 5g now. What a surprise.
Don't feed the trolls.