UPDATE: Withheld Records Reveal 19,000 Mail-In Ballots Illegally Received AFTER Deadline in Maricopa County 2020 Election
A Maricopa County 2020 election report from Verity Vote used public records requests to discover that more than 20,000 ballots were illegally counted.
Arizona’s 2020 Presidential Election was decided by less than 10,500 votes.
The Gateway Pundit reported on this finding earlier in May.
After numerous records requests and months of waiting for responses, Verity Vote found that Maricopa County received and counted tens of thousands of ballots after the election day deadline.
This evidence was not mentioned by the weak Arizona Attorney General during his failed investigation into the 2020 Election.
There was also a spike in votes accepted and counted in the days after the November 3rd Presidential Election.
The Epoch Times reported,
Voters were instructed to mail ballots by Oct. 27 to be sure their ballots arrived on time. By Oct. 30, the number of ballots coming by mail dropped sharply, but then spiked the day after the election.
On Oct. 28, the county received 58,500 ballots from the post office, then:
Oct. 29: 14,500
Oct. 30: 10,500
Oct. 31: 6,000
Nov. 1: 1,500
Nov. 2: 1,000
Nov. 3: 2,500—Election Day. In order to be counted and valid, the ballot must be received by the county no later than 7 p.m.
Nov. 4: 18,000 late, invalid ballots
Nov. 5: 1,000 late, invalid ballots
Nov. 6: 1,500 late, invalid ballots
Yet, Maricopa County rejected just 934 ballots for lateness.
This can be explained by Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote’s “2000 Mules” investigation, which discovered a nationwide ballot trafficking ring that was used to steal the 2020 Election through unsecured dropboxes. The film explains how the ballot Mules created a large influx of late-early ballots to overwhelm the system and rush ballots through the counting process.
Starting the day after election day, 18,000 votes — far more than the margin of victory — were illegally counted after the deadline.
A previous report by Verity Vote also discovered that Maricopa County failed to record the number of ballots on 1,514 out of 1,895 unique chain of custody documents and failed to record signatures on 48 of these documents. This resulted in 740,000 ballots missing the proper chain of custody documentation.
These ballots were also transported from drop boxes and vote centers.
These drop boxes threaten election security.
The RINO-Democrat establishment is already preparing to steal another election. The Gateway Pundit recently reported that Arizona election officials sent 63,000 incorrect mail-in ballots to voters in one County.