Do not lean against the glass!
So to recap, the dead hand went off, sending out transactions that were verified, but the mempool was DDOSed for an hour so that these transactions wouldn't become an immutable part of the blockchain.
Presumably the content of the dead hand was keys to decrypt the Wikileaks insurance files, or some of them. Mendax was exfiled from the Ecuadorian embassy arond this time, conveniently when there was also a hazmat scare at Heathrow. He came to an agreement with white hats to do this and perhaps even helped them with the DDOS so that info wouldn't' be released in chaos, rather, disclosure would come after consensus omnium was achieved with stakeholders (US, UK, RUS, CHN, etc) so that there could be a worldwide cleanup of bad actors without the massive chaos of say Hillary Clinton snuff porn showing up and uncontrollable riots and civil chaos ensuing.