The shadows on the ground, in pix 1-2, resemble the Singapore Sky Park geometry.
Vertical towers joined by a horizontal top section.
Pic1 EXIF says created/modified today 2018-06-10T21:18:02-06:00
(That's the same timezone -06:00 that the singapore water bottle picture had.)
Page geometry: 591x1280+0+0
might point to a certain kind of phone.
Pic2 -
Same geometry (likely same phone).
date:create: 2018-06-10T21:18:07-06:00
pic3 is a jpeg, quality 85 (that's rather low!, I usually use 90 or 93).
Geometry 1632x1224+0+0
EXIF says
date:create: 2018-06-10T21:18:13-06:00
In other words it was either photographed, or downloaded/stored, at that date/time.
The EXIF doesn't tell me much.
Very fucking exciting.
Threats, carrot & stick.
Hints at specific data points giving substance to "We have it all".
A choice, an opportunity to do what is right.
Negotiating right out in the open.
just zoomed