>>16945600 Not notable baker
I just got here re 1 post
What is the relevance is my question.
"We" don't fight against Jews.
It's random history w/no real point except maybe to say Jew bankers rule the world going way back or some such narrative.
I seen you needed someone to pick up the bake, in which case I was gonna oblige. Thus I skimmed the notes, cuz I don't bake ossfrenass notes. If ya want me to get right to the point.
his oss kek fuck off back to your den
Need to either hand off and have someone else bake the stale note, so he could skirt on out and pretend not to be here for any naysaying, or early bake so now the note will forever remain.
I will never bake your stale notes you slip in, so just clock in on time and all should be good #ossfrenass. in your sick mind