You must realize there is a battle going on right now over the timelines between good and evil, Light and dark, and efforts are being made either to allow the dark ones to make the mistakes they are fated to make, or to remove from them the possibility of their taking control – all the while respecting the free will of the people on planet earth. (1)
What is the most basic, the most enduring element of human life? Love.
There’s nothing those drawn to darkness can offer that compares with it.
I actually don’t want to look at darkness here. Frazzeldrip cured my felt need to go down that rabbit hole.
I hope I never have to again, but the ten days of revelation will undoubtedly feature some of it. It has to if the practices of the dark are to stop forever on Planet Earth.
We simply, in our deepest, darkest dreams, do not know what’s occurring on this planet. (2)
People have to know. They won’t believe it unless shown it, I don’t think. I certainly fought against admitting it to myself until faced with the awful truth.
Meanwhile, in the surface world, Jan. 6 folks are jailed. Doctors are losing their licenses. People have been fired, fined, drummed out of the service, etc. Many, many people have suffered at the hands of the cabal.
As Ivo says, there’s a battle going on. This is a hidden war, an undeclared war. Who counts a person fired from their job for not taking the vaxx a war casualty?
And yet they are. This is very much, as the darkness intend, a war for the world. As someone else said, a war for the soul of the world.
How much more it’ll take before people awaken, I personally don’t know. I thought cancelling our food supply would be enough – if people are even aware that that’s what’s happening.
I’m led to believe someone has the ability to stop the movie and turn the lights back on.
Until they do, people are getting hurt. People are dying for the cause, some without even knowing that’s the case. (3)
On a karmic level I understand that the people who are leaving are by and large those who would have left at this time in any case. Only the exit route was undecided. (4)
But, as Michael said would happen for so many of us, I’m sick of the violence. Sick of the lack of morals and ethics. I don’t want the tone of my society set by the greedy and criminal.
However, to bring that global network down requires us to be as precise as we can in stating who it is we think they are. So many pogroms and genocides have been started by a nation’s media painting a social group in a certain way, with no alternative viewpoint allowed. An enemy within and an enemy without, Hitler said. (5)