Soros really doesn't like China all of a sudden.
Gee wonder why.
"What if Russia, China and others are coordinating with POTUS to eliminate the NWO?"
YOU are the hoax you fucking asshole.
Which is precisely why you're lying, you fucking asshole.
AJ admitted in a videotaped deposition that he lied.
10:20 on Aug 2
The left can't meme
Iowans trust Grassley, that's how.
Shills out to attack Grassley, his investigations with the FBI whistleblowers really lit a fire under the shill's asses, lol.
Fuck you traitors.
These are not the same individuals.
"Ancient in its origin"
Fake and Ghey, not on BBCWorld twitter feed.
Pathetic cringe shill begging for war to save itself.
(No wonder no sauce)
>Got it from /pol/
Well that's the problem right there. 4chan is a cult asset.
Don't worry, msm said their booms to stop the great awakening are totally coming for real this time.
Anon has seen either entirety or snippets of every rally and never seen doppelganger at a rally.
If you have clip of what you 'recall', please post.