What say you and I start/continue to stand up to all the things we feel that are wrong or backwards lately in the home country we call United States of America!I don’t know about you Anons but I’ve had it! I’ve decided I’m going to stick to my guns when it comes time for family/friends events. No more pussy-footing around when declaring me position on a whole host of “liberal progressive issues” If the grievance is tied to a “controversial topic” or topic in which progressives/liberals are virtually changing the historical meaning/understanding of the word or term, then im calling them out!
When they tell me to trust the science with Covid then turn around and tell me that guy is a girl and his rights were trampled on when the recent abortion question was answered and they too could “have babies”!
I mean pick something and stick with it! Defend your position!
No more Mr. Acquiescing for “family stability!
The gloves are off!
Wish me luck w/captcha! Uuugh!