baga-mi-as pula in ma-ta si in extra captcha ma-tii, in biserica ma-tii de compromis scarbos.
you fuck w/ the wrong ppl bo.
baga-mi-as pula in ma-ta si in extra captcha ma-tii, in biserica ma-tii de compromis scarbos.
you fuck w/ the wrong ppl bo.
shut the fuck up!!!!!!
Spammers are good, they trigger me, you do nothing, you just a retarded POS.
she's pretty.
now show us your horns.
go fuck yourself.
Those are expensive hornsโฆโฆโฆโฆ
let me be clear, to me USMC are traitors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
USAF, traitors, tooo.
NSA, traitorss, too!!!!!!!!!
I love frogs, even that I have to extra captcha, but this is BO, BV are comped too.
But I'm still here, for my lovely family, that you have no idea, they exist.
And I like some anons, that have a nice brian.
tony is out.
i so fucking dislike this garbage and doj shit, you have no idea.
futu-ti dumnezeii si biserica ma-tii, bo, in cristosul ma-tii de maimuta imputita, fuck you and your captcjha, stoopid monkey
take down extra captcha, or I'll insult you every post, you fucking comped scum.
take down, extra captcha, you piece of shit.
in biserica ma-tii de cacat, si dumnezeii ma-tii, si biserica ma-tii, scarba imputita..
Sugi pula, idiot, what gematria say about what I just said??????????????????
you are a retarded brainwashed dumb fuck.
You so stoopid, that needs another stopid to tell you you just stoopid.
I'm moar w/ "be hard in the pussy"
Why english?
Cand pot sa-mi bag toata pula-n familia ta, de maimuta proasta, care nu stie nicio alta limba, invata tu, limba mea, prostea.
I like to put my dick in things, you know why????????????????????????????????????????????????
Look @, satan did it b4 me, so I need to fix it.