we'll see what happens.
I'm open - minded so I'm uncertain about the outcome.
Seems DJT holds back his ammunition?
He speaks the important truth, but needs the mass audience back.
Not sure how many he reaches, but is less than 4 million on Truth Social.
I tend to think good things since they've really wanted to kill him and havent been able to;
Their PLAGUE move also got started on the wrong foot, because of DJT's pushing the timeline
It's catching up with them since they weren't able to force the injection on enough people to cover up the fact it the injection that is killing people.
People are recognizing whats going on since the uninjected aren't getting sick.
That blows their cover.
also, the knowledge and release of simple remedies..
and that those remedies were kept back by the Perps.
also the ruling that concealed carry is Constitutionally protected
The only hope is to over throw the Constitution; and I doubt they can do it.
They try to push their invunerability; thats obvious and more obvious too that it's over-stated; especially with the 'cat out of the bag' on their Eugenics program.
Who released all those clips of Klaus Schwab and friends?
Who got the Hunter laptop material out there, showing Biden to be a bona fide pedo, with incest in the family to boot?
Whos laughint about pizzagate and child trafficking now?
9/11 was a Mass Media Job