NO KIDDING!. I wouldn't give up. I kept trying until I found the working bake. Yea for me. Meanwhile, enemy media's going ga ga for Kansas voters voting for..I don't know what for, It has something about reproduction health care. Anyway, it's sign the republicans are in trouble in November.
Yeah, that's right. Plus the lying media needs any little purchase it can get grip off on that cliff they are sliding down. Gravity doing what gravity does, they picking up speed.
SOMETHING UGLY IS UP with this wiping of phones story. The President is protected by Secret Service and the Marines. Was told by an active reservist that not a single Marine volunteered for presidential service duty during 0bama's 8 years and a little less than a year and the waiting list for Marine presidential protection duty was over 5000. You don't think that rubbed off on the Secret Service agents?
There can be only reason those phones were wiped of their 5 & 6 Jan. activity. Everything backed up Trump and condemned Pelosi, Pence, sweet lips Milley,et al. Believe this could be [their bridge too far moment] . Stay tuned.