Reverse image search turns up nothing interesting. Just some paranormal blog shit.
I'm gonna pronounce this Fake n' Gay.
GPG blocks don't end with "GPG Block". They use the standard OpenPGP syntax.
alec@LinuxMint18 ~ $ echo "Attack at dawn" | gpg -c -a-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----Version: GnuPG v1jA0EBwMCksrx07Cxit1g0kQBBGPBsw29uGutlAVooJdLHjcclF5Rce0KwLFtq/4fsShvZlUA5A2yFouiPR58QfwcNY/ceuUGGoc7CmF2q9oV/h36bQ===1Hdg-----END PGP MESSAGE-----alec@LinuxMint18 ~ $
Point out what you are noticing. I don't see any any signs of photoshoping.
Probably a line of buoys to tell boats where they should and shouldn't go.
Strange to see them there, though. It looks like a busy waterway.
Probably the first one, 1-naphthylamine
her company may have been importing precursors for dyes. She did, after all, work in the garment industry.
I don't think so. I looks like a program to take a set of subtitles in a text file and match them with the voices in a video so as to automatically time when the subtitles appear in the screen.
That's the stock ticker for an exchange-traded fund for some company called "Invesco".