This is getting insane now
Jeffrey Lubin & Jerking reporting
This is getting insane now
Jeffrey Lubin & Jerking reporting
NED, Solidarity Center, AFL-CIO, CIPE, NDI, IRI, FTUI, ACLIS, Our Tax Dollars and Extra Constitutional Activities?
Do Anons remember the ongoing digs on the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)? Let's try to get this nailed down because it ties into current events (think Jim and the congressional hearings). For the Newfags, here's a summary of previous NED digs. If a link appears in green text, copy the post title (Answering the Call to Dig NED, for example) or a portion of it, enter it in the search bar at and hit enter. Results should appear in red. Click the blue links to view related posts. If any Anon knows of additional NED digs, please feel free to add them to the list below.
All PB
We learned, in the posts above, that NED, although "non-governmental", is a congressional "creation" (slush fund?). NED is funded by congressional appropriation and acts "as a grant-making foundation, distributing funds to private organizations for the purpose of promoting democracy abroad. These private organizations would include those created by the twopolitical partiesand thebusiness community, which would join the regional international institutes of the labor movement already in existence."
In the last installment of the NED digs above, we learned that the Solidarity Center used to be called the Free Trade Union Institute (FTUI). Before it was known as the Solidarity Center, FTUI was called the American Center for International Labor Solidarity (ACILS). In PB >>16968127
With this review in mind, let's drill down onSolidarity Center and AFL-CIO. Solidarity Center works around the world withgovernments, individuals, NGOs, labor unions and churches. Their field of influence includes:climateissues, labor,justice,equality,gender, forced labor and trafficking, theglobal supply chain, child labor, migration and just about any other hot button topic. They're a little shy about naming the names of their partners on their "Partners" webpage. The list on their supporters page is extensive and incomplete (partial). The Chair of Solidarity Center's Board of Trustees is Elizabeth Shuler, the current President of theAFL-CIO, a member of NED's Board of Directors and a member of theAspen Institute.
Solidarity Center
Eur Heart J. 2020 Apr 7 : ehaa279.
Published online 2020 Apr 7. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa279
PMCID: PMC7184497
PMID: 32255476
COVID-19 experience in Bergamo, Italy
Michele Senni
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Bergamo is the town most affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, not only in the Lombardy Region but also throughout Italy, with >9000 COVID-positive cases, and 2300 ascertained deaths. Unfortunately, the infection is not even sparing young people.
The consequences of the COVID-19 emergency for the entire ‘Papa Giovanni XXIII’ Hospital of Bergamo have been dramatic. At present (mid-March), from a total of 779 hospital beds, >500 are occupied by COVID-positive patients. The 46 beds previously reserved for the ICU (intensive care unit) have been increased to 100, of which 88 are occupied by COVID-positive patients, all of them intubated and with an average age of 61 years.
Due to the shortage of resources , a triage of the patients to be intubated was needed, based on data such as age, presence of comorbidity, degree of respiratory failure severity, and life expectancy.
Although our hospital structure is at the forefront and with great flexibility for organization, during the last month it has run the risk of collapse, facing such a violent epidemic comparable to a tsunami, from which it differs in terms of time, lasting not a single day but more than a month.