Spicer on twatter said POTUS scared him out of his eyebrows, kek
No need to store water, techniques exist to move clouds to a certain area and release rain
What puzzles me, even if cabal in desperation orders to unleash the weather, there are always regular people that have to execute orders. Not everyone up to down is corrupt. Why are middle guys following those orders? Why no sabotage?
Can you explain please, anon. I am not familiar with flag details
Why not to say simply HE LOVED ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE
I had a theory. Otto was a newbie, cia just recruited him. There are fractions of cia which not necessarily share intel. He was sent to NK to search for certain info, crossed some lines between those fractions. They got him, and etc. supervisors gave a shit, since he was not a valuable asset.
No most likely just saw what he was not supposed to see