This original Confederation of States of States doing business as the States of America was enabled to carry out all the business of the States in several jurisdictions: international jurisdiction of the sea, territorial jurisdiction, municipal jurisdiction, commercial jurisdiction — the States of America was a Jack-of-All-Trades operating in all the jurisdictions of the Sea and the Air, owned and operated by the American States and People.
The Constitutions were to break up the functions of this original Confederation doing business as the States of America.
The Lion's share of the business remained with the States of America under the actual Federal Constitution called "The Constitution for the united States of America". To put it simply, the States chose to Delegate certain Powers to their own commercial corporations, which were then liable for providing the services stipulated under the Constitution.
Another portion, the Territorial functions and business, including control of the Naval Armed Services, Commercial Fleet, Trade Policies, and U.S. Territories was split off and delegated to the British Monarch under the Territorial Constitution called "The Constitution of the United States of America". The services stipulated under this Constitution were determined by Treaties leading up to the end of the Revolutionary War and were administered by British Territorial United States inhabitants temporarily residing in our States and the District of Columbia.
As part of the Great Fraud they try to pretend that we are all "United States Citizens' who are unpaid volunteers working for the Territorial United States and its commercial corporations while temporarily residing in our own country.
Finally, a portion of the business was split off and delegated to the Temple Government operated by Westminster, the so-called Inner City of London, which is an independent international city-state and part of the Municipal Government of Rome under the Roman Pontiff and the Holy Roman Empire. The functions of this Municipal Government affiliate were severely limited to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia. This global Jurisdiction of the Air entity received a separate Constitution called "The Constitution of the United States".
Thus, the Federal Government was carved out of the States of America Confederation.
The Federal Branch of the Federal Government was operated under the States of America as an extension of delegated power belonging to the States and their Federation doing business as The United States of America. According to the duty, it could operate in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea or the global Jurisdiction of the Air.
The Federal Branch of the Federal Government was sometimes referred to as The Republic, a reflection back the to republican states that ultimately own everything. This entity was operated by Deputies chosen by The State of State Legislatures– Senators elected to serve as part of the Federal United States Congress and by popularly elected Delegates serving the Federal House of Representatives.
However, please note that the Federal Congress, also known as the United States Congress, was composed entirely of Confederate "States" – that is, commercial corporations run as "States of States", operating in the Sea/Air jurisdictions, as opposed to the Continental Congress operated by the Soil/Land jurisdiction States.
The Territorial Branch of the Federal Government was operated by the British Territorial United States as a Democracy.
The Municipal Branch of the Federal Government was operated as an independent international city-state, the Washington Municipality. This Municipal Government was entrusted to the members of the Federal Congress, who were supposed to operate the District of Columbia and Municipality of Washington, DC, as a neutral meeting ground for the States and People. The members of the Federal Congress were given power to operate the Municipal Government as a plenary oligarchy.