Anonymous ID: 4741fa Aug. 4, 2022, 1:49 a.m. No.16983980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4037 >>4139 >>4431 >>5514 >>7821

Some don't understand the control of the system [they] have.

Conflating their not doing something for lack of ability.

A lot of criminal activity was allowed because [they] wanted it that way (their operations and money making schemes) and the (good not bought) FBI and others were kept from going after the bad guys, and only those that didn't tithe or a threat to the bosses were taken down.

They had the ability after the Patriot Act to go after all the pedo's and criminal empires but they were directed to do other things… like track and attack their political enemies and exposers of their criminal activity.

Criminals running the enforcement of Justice… for decades.

Hoover on up. Probably earlier.

The government created the system… with that ability and backdoors for intel and control.

The last 6+ years of arrests of some of the biggest criminal groups, pedo operations and more is proof of it.

They always had the capability… they were using it against US.

Trump, Sessions and others turned the power against them… and began rounding them up, from minions to management… and now going after political operators like Gillium and others.

Pawns going down…. hierarchy leadership to come.

Trying to get comfy… but there is so much clean up to do and levers of control to dismantle before I'm there.

[They] won't give up without a fight.

Scorched earth if they have the power left to.

SC to remove power of bureaucracy… please do… that will hurt them badly.

Anonymous ID: 4741fa Aug. 4, 2022, 1:50 a.m. No.16984445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4942 >>5470 >>5880 >>6679 >>6808

Chief Justice John Roberts by greenlighting ObamaCare (ACA) has opened the door to incremental opportunities for government to force citizen purchases.


Roberts endorsed the ACA scheme. Under the guise of controlling evil insurance company rate hikes ACA forced Americans to buy more expensive policies with features they didn't want or need - in order to subsidized free loaders and reap government profits.


Education Loans controlled by government. Same story. Minorities likely get better interest rates and more forgiveness.


In 2022 - Government is exploring ways to control food, fuel, housing and more medical thru buying these items then selling them to citizens at a price based on income level. Discounts for low income and price increases for you. The rich can afford the $ and probably will have ways to minimize the impact not available to you.