>b-but RRN told me he was dead…
…and that's why people that actually believe RRN..are retarded.
RRN = Really Retarded Nonsense.
>b-but RRN told me he was dead…
…and that's why people that actually believe RRN..are retarded.
RRN = Really Retarded Nonsense.
I’m just hoping I live long enough to get my I told you so’s in to all my remaining lib friends and my q doubting spouse. It’s been a LONG line to hold. I’m glad I’ve held it, but I’m tired of waiting for them to see everyone’s a pedophile and all their positions they cling to are satanic. I’m not sorry that I’m ready for them to be crushed by what they’ve been holding on to.
Where'd that expert go, how about that other piece of shit? you all scattered!?