Anonymous ID: e2500f Aug. 4, 2022, 2:05 a.m. No.16986778   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We get 40%at most.


Anon can understand. I still hope there’s some unofficial site that is neither confirmed nor denied that we can get the cliff notes of the remaining 60%.


Like a RRN but not homo

Anonymous ID: e2500f Aug. 4, 2022, 2:10 a.m. No.16987715   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> Raped and forced to go through with the pregnancy

How is that the baby's fault? Why should the baby die just because it was concieved via a violent act??? Yes, carry it to term, then a family can adopt the child and bring them up in a loving home. No need for abortion - killing the baby.

>Your baby has died and being forced to carry it inside you

How stupid is that as an argument?? That would never happen. If the baby is dead, they would just remove the baby. That would not be considered and abortion, because the baby for whatever reason has already been naturally aborted.

>Can't give a child a good life.

Still no reason to KILL the child. So you're so concerned about the child having a good life, but you're willing to go to the most drastic option of KILLING IT????? That is a classic case for adoption.

>pregnancy is ectopic

Again, that is a miscarraige. The baby/fetus is then removed.


None of her arguments make any sense at all!!! They try so hard to tug at your emotions with absolute garbage and LIES!!!