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The Globohomo's desperation in Ukraine has set it on a campaign of escalated provocations of Russia. [They] will attempt to push Putin to undertake a direct attack upon an EU/NATO country.
scissor (sisters)
joke about being salty
a fictional advertisement came to life?
fess up
>It's on "the list"
>His predecessor is Lars Hiekensten,
>Heikensten was appointed executive director of the Nobel Foundation in 2010, a position he held until the end of 2020.
>Here's the guy who didn't give POTUS the Nobel.
Just like Biden did. That was why he ran. All those fucking assholes(that was the nicest name I could think of atm) on BOTH SIDES that keep repeating the fake & gay, "Everyone voted for Biden because they thought he would bring the Country together!!1!" "Biden won because he promised to not be mean & he will bring dignity back to the office" Biden winning means we are not a joke around the globe anymore" Can all go eat a HUGE bag of dicks.
He was wishy washy about running, but as soon as more & more talk was coming out about Hunter & a "mysterious laptop from hell" THEN he announced he was running.
So yeah, Hillary will do the same thing, the MSM/Social Media cunts will shut down ANY & ALL talk about her past crimes she has NOT paid for yet & the sheep will eat it all up & repeat everything they are told
It's all so fucking tiresome