Robert David Steele, Former CIA employee and Chief Counsel of the Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse
Robert David Steele, Former CIA employee and Chief Counsel of the Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse
Pfizer says tweaked COVID-19 shots boost omicron protection
Pfizer says tweaked COVID-19 shots boost omicron protection
She should put that motivation into taking better care of herself/itself.
Information warfare.
4aa079 shill posts
Meanwhile, if children don’t get shot with a gun they get shot with Operation Warp Speed.
It will be more than those who orchestrate these events who must be held accountable.
Yeah, I know, no one wants to talk about that.
Symbolism Downfall?
Thanks. If you have any links for reading I'd appreciate it.
Good. now shut the fuck up spam bot. You're like a cunty yenta.
Rosenstein, Barr, Guiliani, and Trump…destroyed the Mafia in the 80s.
How many days since then has it been?
With Durham chewing through the gristle of it all.