Anonymous ID: b76804 Aug. 4, 2022, 5:59 a.m. No.17003638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4961 >>6894


I'm going to take a stab in the dark on this one…kek…


The blinking red light that travels from left to right - a plane…blinking light is anti-collision light at the bottom of plane/helicopter…


The flashing yellow lights in the right bottom is a car alarm from the person who stays at the observatory…


Then the person comes out to investigate it it…you will then see the flashlight(zeon/krypton…couldn't see much from the fog so they switch on the ULTRAFIRE Green Hunting Flashlight…


After that I stopped watching because it was already getting ridiculous…

Anonymous ID: b76804 Aug. 4, 2022, 6:30 a.m. No.17007628   🗄️.is 🔗kun


jews 'knowing' that they are (((inbred))) and that they can only commit suicide as the (((inbred))) judas instead create more (((inbreds))) thought promotion of child rape via 'lgbtq+' i.e. satanism

jews spread inbreds globally

jews weaponize/radicalize 'sleeper' inbreds via the death cult of marxism, 'targeted-ads' i.e. (((daniel defense))) ar-15s and via msm i.e. 'white supremacy' and the promotion of 'anti-psychotics'

jews 'wrap-up' the deaths of their jewry by blaming 'non-inbreds' for godless behaviour of (((inbred))).


all (((inbreds))) to be drowned.