it's pkay seo shill
we can all notice
you dig faggots wiff bewbs in dresses
taht second divorce really ruined ya
and your RV
it's pkay seo shill
we can all notice
you dig faggots wiff bewbs in dresses
taht second divorce really ruined ya
and your RV
I have a few choice words to say
about bullshit like this
Marilyn avoided looking dirty sexually
she portrayed a woman who was helplessly feminine
not a whore
and so I will pick this bone with you
if men do not respect beauty in a woman
without violating her in their mind
(which is sort of what courtesy is, that old fashioned stuff)
then beauty won't happen
there is nothing beautiful about overt sexuality
you are missing half of life
if you miss the beauty in it
Disinfo is nekekkary
Let God’s will be done!