Lisa page, Peter Strzok?
Do we know how tall Strzok and page are? Because we could compare to couple #2 (left) if we did. We know she has on flat shoes in the pic
Anon. They are in the picture. Look closely. The left picture, now look in the left corner of that picture. See the couple turned slightly to the left? The green sweatshirt? With the girl with a hat on? Black… It's them. The pick on the right is page taking pik of Strzok. Look what he's wearing! Green sweatshirt
It's not the same purse. Maybe the same company even same line. But this is a clutch, page has a huge tote in the pik
thank you for that Anon. Beautiful job. Wouldn't it be something you were right about Q…
Russia is the Cuba of Europe.. what about Africa? Maybe the cabal has a scapegoat country on every continent. It gives a boogyman to everybody