Hey Anon
I appreciate you sharing
But could you usered textor something?
Almost missed it
Hey Anon
I appreciate you sharing
But could you usered textor something?
Almost missed it
guess I have to read the second page.
cliff hanger.
Read the Map
Military Intel
So, what about babyfist.
After THIS bread anon needs all the Holy Spirit that is available. It's a LOT. Sounds pretty credible too. JFK told everyone about a vast conspiracy sworn to secrecy. Wish the man had been more specific but they would have thought he was crazy.
what did they even do?
protesting or having an oppinion while White?
PSA the antifa terrorists have a paranoia op running. There are 100% glowniggers who infect /ourguys/ that want a peaceful protest and a peaceful resolution to our problems.
But not all of them are the antifa terrorists want to make us scared to do anything IRL at all. And it's working.
you say that, until you realize how many 666s there are baked into our "science" using miles.
>Her voice is monotone and extremely irritating.
Never really heard her talk for a long period of time but it is coma inducing
For us, it's depopulation, for them, a cult ritual, but the more of us they recruit, in their mind, the more their gods are pleased.
Or so they believe.