Seems to me, the 'calm' before the storm is passing quickly…
The Storm is eminent!!
Repeat, Storm is eminent! Come and grab your popcorn lads!
Seems to me, the 'calm' before the storm is passing quickly…
The Storm is eminent!!
Repeat, Storm is eminent! Come and grab your popcorn lads!
'risking the secret F-117s over Libyan airspace'
Serbia kinda put that worry to bed.
He must be deaf, dumb and blind. Utterly biased if he never reported Truth on Billy C.
So once again no proof other than the narratives you have been trying to craft for 2 years now.
Then found this story…
Hugh Jackman, Johnny Knoxville, Channing Tatum… all had 'accidents' with their noodles too
the crooks in america need to be scattered to the wind