WTF is this asshat doing in Canada?
Fuckery afoot. WTF has HE, his position, have to do with international economics? What?
He is going to seek asylum? Kek
Right………..why not an FBI rep since they are the ones who investigate. This is a bullshit move. We all know it.
I so hope you are right.
Fort Hood
This little faggot thinks he can push us around? Sorry boyo, your butt buddy is long gone.
Fuck you.
They should pick his ass up at the airport in DC.
It gives Sessions a true opportunity to get rid of that fucker. The conversation goes like this, "put up or shut it down. Today."
WTF? CNN's Carole Costello is tweeting that Sessions has ordered ICE stop granting asylum to abuse victims and victims of gang violence.
Today we could do it in a weekend with the National Guard.
Now, why would he be talking about that?